The Clinic Experience
Our team at The Body Reset Clinic take great pride in ensuring you get the results you want as quickly as possible, whether you are an athlete seeking to improve your sporting performance, a new runner looking to improve fitness or simply just wanting to get back to everyday living.
We aim to provide a relaxed, supportive, professional environment where you can have all your questions answered quickly, helping you to understand the root of your problem and get a result quickly and effectively.
Injury Treatment
At the Body Reset Clinic we carefully diagnose and treat any pain or injury of the muscles, joints and nerve systems. We will discuss your diagnosis, treatment options, likely outcomes, time frame and give you ways you can help speed up your recovery at home.
Sports Massage
Sports massage is the most effective therapy for treating muscle pain, tension and restoring balance to the musculo-skeletal system. Anyone can benefit from a sports massage, including people in physically demanding jobs and those not quite so obvious.
Injury Rehabilitation
Injury rehabilitation is an important part of rectifying any occurring injury or weakness present in the body. As well as receiving hands on specialist treatment, rehabilitation is a key component to ensure the injury site returns to a fully functional state.
Chiropractic is a drugless and non-surgical form of health care. Chiropractors are concerned with the framework of bones and muscles that support the body (the musculoskeletal system) and the problems associated with it caused by accident, stress,lack of exercise, poor posture, illness and every day wear and tear.
Dry Needling & Acupuncture
Dry needling is a technique used for the treatment of muscular pain and myofascial dysfunction. It is extremely effective for relaxing overactive muscles, which contain trigger points. Traditional acupuncture is part of traditional Chinese medicine in which the basis of treatment is that the mind and body should be in perfect balance. It is a gentle and effective treatment that focuses on helping the whole person, aiming to improve their entire health and wellbeing.
Custom Orthotics
Custom orthotics are made specifically for your feet only. They are not like a pair of shoes. Custom orthotics are devices that are inserted into your footwear and designed to help realign your foot and ankle in the most anatomically efficient position whilst moving. Orthotics are used to treat movement imbalances that can lead to pain in the foot, ankle, knee, hip and lower back.